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The goal is that my love for graphic design is shown in my portfolio. As an up-and-coming graphic designer set to graduate high school in 2024, my goal is to graduate from JCCC. I am excited to showcase the projects that I have worked on over the past four years. 

My Story

My journey started during COVID signing up for my freshman year of high school courses. I picked Graphic Design 1 by chance. Online classes were weird but I loved having access to a world of creativity. In my sophomore year second semester, I had an empty slot and thought Graphic Design 2 sounded amazing. When the semester was over I was devastated that there was no Graphic Design 3, only to learn that it just wasn't called Graphic Design 3, it was called Firebird Design. Firebird Design is a student-run freelance agency for the staff of the building. By this time we had an (amazing) new teacher called Ms. Miller, and she continues to be a huge role model in my life. Junior year I took Firebird Design both semesters and got some great freelancing experience.


In my senior year, I chose to do another two semesters of Firebird Design. Currently, I'm working under Ms. Miller as an intern designer for her part-time freelancing job. I am only in the first semester of my senior year but I'm a teacher aide for a Graphic Design I class and I also have Independent Study that I use to work on my intern projects. Graphic Design means so much to me and I'd love to get a degree and a job under the topic. For my second semester, I have planned to start at Johnson County Community College under the two-year Graphic Design program.



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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